Reddocoin Ambassador Program

2 min readAug 18, 2021


The Ambassador Program is organized not only for Reddocoin holders but also for all crypto enthusiasts in the world. This includes influencers who want to promote the project in their community.

What Do You Gain From This?

Reddocoin ambassadors will play an important role in adding value to reddocoin by bringing our project to more people and will have the opportunity to be a leader by being innovative in helping to build and engage your community, and proactively provide feedback, provide input, and make suggestions on how to grow the community, and have priority access to the latest Reddocoin news.

Additionally, you will have the great opportunity to network and collaborate with crypto enthusiasts globally and develop your reputation. Of course, we promise to support you.

What can you do as an Ambassador?

Reddocoin ambassadors are responsible for helping increase awareness about the project and boost our platform’s user adoption by:

  • Proposing monthly activities for Reddocoin to review
  • Educating the community about the project via contents, infographics, or any creative activities
  • Establishing and growing your community
  • Spreading awareness of Reddocoin on your channels
  • Translating documents and contents to your local language if required
  • Sending monthly reports to Reddocoin by the end of each month

Compensation in Reddo Tokens

You will receive Reddocoin, a governance token, based on your performance. Rewards will be distributed monthly based on your monthly contributions, and we will send the report to you.

How Reddocoin calculate monthly rewards for ambassador

  • Most active Telegram member: You will receive $1200 in Reddocoin tokens + % for a referral bonus, if you are in the Top 10 most active Telegram members within a month. To achieve this title, you need to be active on the Reddocoin Telegram channel, and also build other community channels about the project in your country.
  • There are different remuneration sizes to the different role in Reddo project (like Youtube influencing, Conduct promotional and tutorial Videos, Twitter posts on active crypto related groups etc.) . Payment will be in Reddocoin + Referral %.

What are the next steps to become a Reddocoin Ambassador?

Your first step is to fill out an application Here

We will contact you within 48 hours.

Follow us on our social media channels






Contract address:

Reddocoin Board

